Tuesday, 11 December 2012

30 Day Tarot Challenge Day 11: What spread do you use most often/prefer and why?

30 Day Tarot Challenge - Day 11: What spread do you use most often/prefer and why?

I love the people at Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI).  Even though I am just a tad slower in catching on to anything from this 30-Day Tarot Challenge, to understanding the mechanics of a Tarot Blog Hop, right through to understanding what Lenormand cards were, they had always made me feel welcomed into the group.  

Most times, I try to catch up with them by wrapping my head around some of their discussions as best as I could.  So let’s take the 30-Day Tarot Challenge as an example.  After feverishly completing the first 10 days of the 30-Day Tarot Challenge in 1 night, I posted it on the TABI Facebook page and realized that most of them were just slowly enjoying the blogging journey of that challenge, and were just on Day 1 of that challenge.  And they were going to complete that challenge slowly and steadily one day at a time. Doh.  I wished I wasn’t such a “ninny head”.

Anyway, if you’re new to this blog, do check out what this challenge is about.  The link to the 30 Day Tarot Challenge can be found here http://78keys.tumblr.com/post/36652622634/30-day-tarot-challenge.

The topic for Day 11 is “What spread do you use most often/prefer and why?"

I don’t really have a preferred spread.  I tend to go with my intuition and create a spread off my head in response to the querant’s question.  It is not uncommon for me to use more than 5 spreads in a session with my client in that hour, depending on his or her questions.   

However, it has become a habit for me to start of the consultation with a high level numerological assessment then I overlay that with a basic free form spread of about 3 -6 cards, reading it as an integrated storyboard to get some insights into my client’s situation.  Thereafter, I might then start to design the various spreads according to the more focused questions that he or she asks in that session.

Many times, I may meet a client that has difficulties framing his or her question. So, what I may do then is that after the numerological assessment, I may pick a significator to represent the client, shuffle the cards and cut it into 4 piles representing Earth, Air, Water and Fire each.  When I find the significator in a particular pile representing that element, it always tells me what the most immediate or pressing concern for my client with regard to his or her issue is, for example, finance, job, relationship or it may tell me what is the key driver that is impacting my client, for example, he or she may be wrought in mental anguish and anxiety due to the fear of a perceived outcome.

I like to keep the choice of Tarot spreads less rigid, go with my gut instincts and let the universe guide me as I respond to my client’s question.

About The Writer:
The writer of this blog post is a marketeer by trade, and a tarot card reader by accident. She was awarded a Certified Professional Tarot Reader qualification from the Tarot Certification Board of America (TCBA) and was recently certified as a numerologist in Singapore. A member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI), she is also endorsed as a reader for the Free Tarot Network and is a mentor for the ATA.   She can be contacted at www.facebook.com/SunGoddessTarot or www.sungoddesstarot.com

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