Saturday 6 July 2024

Numerological Advice For A Married Couple


Numerology is one of the most useful tools that can help people enhance  communications with others  and manage responses to situations by helping one understand how to leverage the strengths and work on the weaknesses of their respective behavioral traits. That is why Numerology is one of the best tools that can support the relationship goals of couples, particularly when they are newly married, or are going through challenges.

When Larry and Georgina got married, they approached me for advice to help them better manage their relationship as they navigate this new phase of their life.

Larry’s character number which governs his attitudes and behaviours is a 9. He is a very compassionate soul with a keen sense of empathy and magnanimity.  He enjoys lending support and listening ear to others, often investing time and energy to put the needs of others first.  He is value-centric and has idealistic notions about what he can tolerate and what he would not tolerate.  When he believes in a cause, he would go all out to champion it.  Sometimes, he might even give more than he gets back and might feel under-appreciated or misunderstood from time to time.   People would naturally gravitate towards him because of his magnanimous and helpful energy.

Georgina is a Character number 3.  She is energetic, gregarious, often restless and unfocused. Her easy-going and optimistic nature attracts people towards her.  She can be  expressive and makes a good conversationalist.  With her keen imagination, she can be creative and spontaneous.  

Larry would love Georgina’s  affectionate, loving and optimistic nature as she has an uplifting energy necessary to support Larry when he gets intense with his views or approach to situations. 

Georgina would appreciate Larry for his compassionate and kind nature and loves him for sharing her sense of empathy.  However she might get annoyed from time to time when he puts other people’s problems or other external issues first before her and the family.   

When Larry was made aware of this through the numerological calculations, it helped him be more conscious about bringing balance to the time he invests between work, friends and Georgina.  At the same time, Georgina became more understanding that this particular trait of Larry’s makes him feel fulfilled when he makes an effort to serve a purpose to support others when they do need his time.

Georgina’s mental number is 1.  She is sharp, quick minded and innovative with ideas.  She also has very strong opinions.  Larry’s number is 2, which leads him to be highly sensitive.  What others think about him is very important to him.  He could sometimes be weak minded and would prefer to maintain the peace and avoid confrontations rather than stand up to a different opinion. Knowing their mental numbers mean that they can appreciate the balance that their differing mental numbers can bring to their relationship.  Her strong opinions could influence Larry to stand up for what he truly believes in and express himself better.  As he is more sensitive, and might internalize issues, Georgina’s innovative ideas can help him to find solutions in a more practical way.  

In this case, showcasing the different dynamics from Larry’s and Georgina’s Character and  Mental numbers can help bring the awareness from their subconscious minds to their conscious minds to help them leverage their strengths and to manage their relationship as a newly married couple.  

Can you just imagine how much more can be uncovered with an even  greater depth of analysis of their numerology profiles that include other numbers like Lifepath, Destiny, Physical, Emotional numbers, and more?

Wednesday 4 January 2017

Starting Anew In 2017

A Slight Delay

This blog post had been long overdue.  I was meant to write a piece in preparation for the New Year but the inner child in me stomped her feet in disapproval whilst crossing her arms and insisted that I put my pen and paper down so that I could fully enjoy the sights of Hanoi where I spent my year-end holidays.  That was the best decision I had made as Hanoi had been almost a spiritual adventure of sorts.
Well rested, and fully charged for the new year, I am now ready to bring you my perspectives about what 2017 will bring. 
So do forgive me for writing this post, a week into the New Year when most of you are possibly raring to go and on the way to manifesting great things in 2017. 

A Recap of 2016
At the cusp of the new year, my social media feeds were filled with comments about how challenging the year 2016 was.  Many were managing difficult issues like  crumbling relationships, ill health,  surgery, bereavement, yes celebrity deaths included, retrenchments and volatility in the office environment. 

Followers of my blog will remember this post that I wrote here.

Here is a recap of what I had written about my expectations for 2016.

“2016 is governed numerologically by the number 9.  With 9 being the final number in the 9-year cycle in numerology, the number represents a culmination of all your hard work put into attaining your goals, your experiences and skills cultivated throughout all these years, the lessons you had picked up along the way, the knowledge gained, and the wisdom attained.  

Whatever you had worked hard to achieve, and all the loose ends of any long-drawn project that you had been working on will need to be completed in this year.  Everything that you needed to do on your priority list, must be done.

Being a year of completion, it is the year you let go of whatever does not serve your higher purpose. If you had been in toxic relationships or unhappy jobs hanging on a thread for so long, this is the year to let go and start anew.   Don't expect it to be easy though because as you make that final push through the journey in anticipation of a numerological year 1 in 2017, you can expect to experience some stress, tension and conflict.  If you struggle to let go of what does not serve you, it could be a painful year filled with anxieties.  You might feel some exhaustion and perhaps be unfocused. That is why you are encouraged to keep an open mind and heart in 2016, and just be focused on healing, forgiveness,  re-energising and renewing yourself through contemplation and meditation.  Self care is so important, so remember to honour your energies and ensure that you take time out to care for yourself and keep a happy harmonious balance between the time and energy you invest in others and the time and energy you invest in yourself.

The numerological energy of a year 9 encourages you to "spring clean" your work space, your home, your Facebook Friend list, and even yourself. This is not the year to harbour any residual emotional resentment against those who had done you wrong in the past. Empty your heart off grudges and keep it clean from hurt, disappointments and unfulfilled expectations.  De-cluttering will help pave the way for  you to accept new experiences in the following year.”

Did this resonate with you?

What Is In Store For 2017

2017 is generally governed by the numerological energy of the number 1.  1 promises a new beginning filled with possibilities.  It is a year where you can make a brand new start, once you have let go off the residual emotional negativity from 2016.  You are encouraged to wipe your slate clean, take on new perspectives, and believe in your personal power enough to embrace this new year, filled with  new adventures.  1 spells opportunities that you create. Do not wait for things to happen.  This is the year you will plant the seeds to manifesting the goals that you have been dreaming of.   With the skills and knowledge honed from the challenges of last year, you are definitely well-equipped to shape that vision for your own success. 

I love the phrase “Your Own Success”.  It has a ring of independence and self-reliance to it.  That again, leverages the numerological influence of the number 1.  2017 will provide you with the opportunities to shape your own destiny on your own terms.  You will start to take accountability for your own future, knowing that only you can influence your own desired outcomes, based on the choices you make.

The number 1 energy will imbibe a flicker of ambition within you to spark your attempts to turn your vision into an action plan this year.  Having stepped out of a challenging year, you are now ready to take control and be in that driver’s seat as you navigate your journey throughout 2017.

You will be ready to take on new challenges this year.  So remember, whatever you had undergone in 2016, must be left in 2016.  All the memories of the hurts, disappointments, fears, anger, and tears incurred in 2016, must not have a role in your new journey in 2017.  Let the negativity go and start walking forward with a positive mindset.

The Fool In Tarot

I liken the year 2017 to the Fool card in Tarot.  The Fool is a manifestation of unlimited potential, just on a cusp of a new journey, raring to go, and filled with so much courage to take on new adventures, with full trust in the Universe that he will be guided throughout his journey through a winding path.  He is ready to learn new skills, gain knowledge, and embrace new experiences that will contribute to his growth and development.  That is the mindset that you need to have, to take on 2017.


The Magician In Tarot

While the Fool kick starts that journey in Tarot, the Magician is numbered as 1 in a Tarot deck. The Magician represents the ability and the will to manifest your goals by welding your personal power, your boundless energy and your creativity.  The Magician is an affirmation of your ability to put all odds aside to create a new life cycle for yourself that is full of potential.   He is filled with so much optimism and hopes.  He is confident, and full of courage and a Never Say Die attitude.  He is willing to try new things, take risks, and step out of that comfort zone.

So in 2017, the Fool and the Magician are 2 Tarot cards that you should meditate on when you have any doubts about what the new year will bring.


Your Personal Year

While the year 2017 in general is governed by the numerological influence of number 1, each of you do have a personal year number that you need to be aware of to better navigate the new year.  To calculate your personal year, add your birth day, to your birth month, to this year.

So if your birth day is 21st February, the way to calculate your personal year would be:


2+1 +2 +2+0+1+7 = 15


Then add 1 and 5 to reduce it to a single number, and this will give you 6.  Your personal year is 6 if you are born on 21st February.

Incidentally, if you were born on 21st February, your Tarot year cards would be The Devil ( the number 15 card in a Tarot deck) and The Lovers ( the number 6 card in a Tarot deck).  There would be so much tips and advice that could be provided just through your personal year number and these Tarot year cards.  The one key takeaway I would offer those born on 21 February would be that, you do have a choice to let go of past negativity as you look to serving others in 2017.
Oh I love combining numerology and Tarot in my readings. 

 Understanding the numerological traits of your personal year and overlaying it with the numerological traits of the year 2017, as well as the interpretation of your Tarot year card will support your goals better as it would bring so much robust advice about the different learnings, experiences, lessons and purpose that they serve you this year.

 My contact details are below this blog post should you wish to get a comprehensive reading which includes an understanding of the impact of your personal year and your Tarot year card, and how they can support your goals better this year.

About The Writer:

The writer of this blog post is a marketeer by trade, and a tarot card reader by accident. She was awarded a Certified Professional Tarot Reader qualification from the Tarot Certification Board of America (TCBA) and is also a certified numerologist.  She is currently running a Tarot consultancy based in Singapore called Sun Goddess Tarot,  which provides confidential intuitive readings combining the metaphysical disciplines of Tarot, Numerology and Astrology via face to face and emails as well as readings at corporate and private events and workshops.  A member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI), she is also a reader for the Free Tarot Network and mentors Tarot protégés on behalf of the American Tarot Association








Thursday 21 July 2016

Holding The Hand Of My Inner Child

A Moment Of Rest

I have not been updating my Sun Goddess Tarot blog for a long while.  It had been almost 8 months.  I needed a moment of rest.  That moment lasted longer than I thought, and it was a period when I seemed to be in conflict with myself.

Reading For The Right Clients

I was always excited about meeting new clients, doing readings anytime and anywhere.  Yet, I grew increasingly exhausted and started making excuses for taking long breaks from readings. It reminded me of the time when I was very young and was forced to complete my homework before I could go out to play with my friends.  Some of my client appointments started to become a chore.

I proceeded to cut down on my list of client appointments, and was discerning about whom I wanted to read for, and what type of readings I wanted to do.   I was no longer interested in doing readings on a fly, or for clients who just wanted to have a casual read about issues that had little or no material impact on their lives.  By the same reason, I was not interested in reading at events like hen parties, birthdays and themed corporate dinners where more often than not, the questions that I got seemed so frivolous that I felt I was not adding much value to the client.   Questions that come from clients in such circumstances could border on topics like winning the next show-jumping championships or dumping a boyfriend who was not making enough money.  I remembered a question that I got at one of these events was, “Would my boss eventually leave his wife for me?”  I really had enough.  If I was not adding value to my clients, it was not exciting for me anymore.  It was very clear to me, months down the road, that if I had an intuitive gift, it was meant to serve a more meaningful purpose.    

Playing With The Fun People

I started to crave for my own space even more.  It was not about needing to be alone. It was more about needing my space to do what I wanted to do on my own terms.  I just wanted to have a little more fun with whatever time I had, with whomever I chose.   I was not anti-social.   I did enjoy social gatherings, I looked for every opportunity to have some fun, from impromptu travel, to casual dinner and drinks sessions and even organizing relaxing off-site meetings with my team so that we got a chance to bond over meals and road trips.  

Writing The Fun Stuff

It was a period when I could not write a single post for my Sun Goddess Tarot blog.  Yet, I was happily updating my personal blog with fun observations about my personal life, writing reviews  within my food blog as I ate up a storm across the nation and happily posted pictures and updates multiple times a day across my social media platforms.

Learning What I Wanted To Learn

It was a period when I could not pick up a book to read about any metaphysical subjects.  I used to voraciously devour every knowledge that could support my growth and development as a Tarot Reader, Numerologist and Astrologer through books and courses.  However, I could not bear to read anything complex and theoretical.  I had purchased a few books on Soul Mapping, Psychic Development and Clairvoyance but they had been sitting on the shelf gathering dust for over a year. However, I would sit for hours listening to my mentor, talking about her experiences, telling me stories about her own personal journey as she honed her intuitive skills.  I was fascinated with the blog posts of my friends from all over the world who were professional Tarot Readers, Numerologists, Astrologers, Psychics, and Mediums. They shared snippets of their experiences, their views of the world, and provided opinions about any subject that touched their hearts.  I even had a lot of fun conversations with them over Facebook or Instagram and felt that I was learning more than I could have ever picked up from any books or formal courses.

Playing On My Own

Increasingly, I wanted to take off on my own to do quirky stuff. I enjoyed taking photographs of wall reliefs and intricate carvings of roof tops at old buildings.  I would never have even noticed them in the past.  I enjoyed walking barefoot across the manicured lawn in front of the Victoria Concert Hall.   And while others would make “Snow Angels” during winter by lying in the snow, I made “Grass Angels” by lying on the grass.  In the past, I would have been worried about getting grass stains on my skirt or pick up some bacteria from the dirt that will get onto my feet.   

In short, this strange behavior outlined above seemed to be like that of a child crying out for help and attention.

Rationalizing My Internal Conflict

Being a rational being that was typical of my Lifepath number 7, I analyzed and explained this strange behavior by labelling it simply as grief.  I felt I was grieving for my Dad who had passed on last year and this internal conflict I was going through, was my way of manifesting grief.  Over the months, I realized that this proved to be partly true.  However, it took me a while to realize that there was something that went beyond the grief, and I set out to find out what it was.  I knew deep within my heart that this even darker cause of my internal conflict could destroy me and my efforts in serving my purpose over the long term if I did not manage it.  At the same time, I knew that if I learnt more about it, and harnessed it better, it could support my goals in the way that my higher self was guiding me to do so.

 I had discovered over the next few months that the strange behavior, and the grief I felt were actually just symptomatic of a deeper, and darker cause. 

Stepping Into A Journey Of Self-Discovery

With the first few steps taken rather uneasily, like a toddler, I began a journey of self-discovery with my mentor Alixe K.Tracey.  I started the journey as part of her course called Freedom Party which saw me releasing aspects of myself that did not serve me positively.   I went through fear, anger, tears, pain, and then release as I learnt to acknowledge these negative emotions, treated them with compassion and then let them all go.  Within the last few months, I confronted my fear of lack of control, my fear of lack of approval, and my fear of lack of security.  These fears had a debilitating impact on my relationships at home, at work and with my business.

 I needed to always be in control, and disliked any form of change.  When changes happened at work, I was thrown into a tailspin of defensive behavior in a bid to protect my turf.  This explained why I was so angry when my boss had decided to transfer a few staff from my team out to another department as part of an exercise to restructure the organization. I was so upset when my son went against my wishes to date a girl I did not approve of.  I was disappointed when my husband took on some projects on pro-bono basis at a time when what the family needed most was money.  These circumstances that grated on me, became a stage at which I played out my fears of lack of control, approval and security.

Recalibrating My Body, Mind And Spirit

My body, mind and spirit then went through a period of recalibration, as I dug even deeper to reconnect with my higher self. I was determined to get to the “cause” of the issue.   There were dark corners that I had to come face to face with but instead of running away like I used to do, I acknowledged it, honor it and found that the person hiding within these dark corners, was my inner child. 


Searching For My Inner Child

I searched for the first memory of my inner child when she experienced her fears of lack of control, approval and security.   I saw her as an 8 year old, seated at the dining table with her Chinese language tutor, learning how to write some Chinese words.  Suddenly, a gang of men barged into our home and declared, “We are from the Internal Security Department and we have a warrant to search your house.”  My Mom protested, telling them to wait for Dad to get home first.  A leader of that gang of men said, “Don’t worry.  Your husband is coming. He’s in the next car.”  True enough, Dad and yet another gang of men came through the door.  Dad’s face was ash-white and he seemed to have aged overnight.  I gasped suddenly when I spotted that Dad was led into the house in handcuffs and proceeded to dash across to him to want to save him.  However, one of the men pulled me roughly aside, not allowing me to be with Dad. 

Amidst the flurry of activities and with my Mom sobbing at the side, I learnt that my Dad was going to be detained without trial under the Internal Security Act for alternative political views that were deemed “subversive”.   Over the next few months, the situation escalated with my family being dragged through national press.  I was labelled the daughter of a “political dissident” who could be dangerous to the establishment’s nation-building efforts. This 8 year old was quoted in the press, as having said, “Daddy is so naughty”.  I would not have remembered that, let alone understood what being a political dissident was.  Mom and I visited Dad at the Detention Centre every week, communicating with him through a telephone with a glass window separating us.   Friends at school pointed fingers at me, whispering at each other.  Mom held my hand and took me to Dad’s company to meet his boss, appealing to his sense of compassion to allow Dad’s salary to continue to be paid into the bank account so that she could feed the both of us. 

I felt anger.  I could not do anything to help the family.  I could not save Dad.  My Dad was forcibly taken from me. My Mom had to find ways to feed us both.  I wanted to be a normal 8 year old who enjoyed school, friends and everything an 8 year old would do.  However I was judged by the perceptions of others whom did not even know my Dad, Mom and I.

That had sown the seed of my fears of lack of control, approval and security and I grew up always needing to be in control of everything.  I needed to get validation for everything I did.  I felt so insecure that I had to hide behind a passive-aggressive exterior, trying to be emotionally detached to everything around me.  I even despised any outward display of love and affection which I had considered a weakness.  My heart chakra was partially closed, as I struggled to love and accept love.  My throat chakra was partially closed, as I struggled to express my true feelings.

My favourite picture of Dad and I at my birthday party.  I was always the apple in my father's eye and we always had such a special bond. This picture has a lot of happy energy and was the basis of the intuitive painting which Rozanne did.

The Transformation

When I finally confronted my inner child, cowering in the dark, alone, afraid, angry and sad, Alixe and I set out to support her with a lot of prayers and meditation which helped to cleanse the chakras and release the pain she felt.   Alixe put a specialized program together to help me as I identified the real cause of all the negative emotions that were triggered by any situation no matter how big or small.   I learnt to communicate with my inner child, to find out what she needed, how I could help her, and what thoughts and emotions were coursing through her.

I learnt to open my heart chakra a lot more, so that I could, with compassion, acknowledgd all the fears, let them come up, understand where they had come from, and then offered them up to the divine light, to be eventually dissolved.   From time to time, my ego would grip tightly to the feelings of fear because it was, in a way, a comfort zone.  However, as I was committed to healing my inner child and listening to her with compassion, my ego never got a chance to win in this struggle.  In the end, I knew that my inner child just needed to be embraced with a little more compassion than I was prepared to offer in the past.

This had helped me so much that at every juncture, when I am aware a situation had triggered a feeling of fear, I went back to talk to my inner child and assured her that I would always be beside her.

A picture of me at my Kindergarten graduation.

Honoring My Inner Child

One day, I spotted a  beautiful painting posted on Facebook  by one of my friends, Rozanne Henry.  It was a painting of herself and it seemed to have exuded a sense of creative personal power reclaimed after having been through a period of healing herself.  Rozanne  is an Intuitive Artist who created paintings from intuitively channeled guidance.    I was guided immediately to commission her to do a painting of my inner child as my way of honoring the 8 year old me, and giving her a special place of her own in my home.  I shared my story with her and explained what I wanted to achieve.   Having received a photograph of Dad and I, Rozanne was able to draw upon that energy within the photograph to connect with what had happened when I was a child and she was able to communicate the messages that Dad wanted me to receive as she drew the 8 year old me.   Rozanne worked on it throughout the week, supporting that piece of artwork with lots of meditation and prayers.  Through that painting, she created a bridge between Dad and I where I could feel him put his arms around me, to cradle me with a lot of love and assurance.  I will share snippets of what my Dad’s messages were, throughout Rozanne’s work on this painting.

He said, “Go and be free.  Free to be happy. Release yourself.  I am here always for you no matter what. 

Trust in yourself.  You are doing well.  You are going to be free. 

Just trust. I am guiding you.   

Pray more. 

Stay close. 


I am so proud of you.  Be free to be yourself.  To be whom you were meant to be. 

Go and find your truth.  It will save you. 

Don’t be afraid. 

We will always support you.”

She was guided to draw my inner child with her legs tucked to the side as she sat on the ground, and her arms outreached as if in the act of receiving.  She was also guided to draw 3 doves flying towards my inner child.  That, was for me, an affirmation that Dad was sending me love, peace and healing.  At the same time, I saw clearly that within these gifts, he was also opening my heart and mind to my own gifts to heal others. 

I felt that that was Dad’s way of endorsing my taking Sun Goddess Tarot to the next level of where it ought to be, and that is to use my intuitive skills to be a healing coach for others as Alixe was with me.   No wonder, the last few months had seen me choosing my clients, reading only for those whom I thought I could genuinely add value to. Coincidentally, I have also noticed that the clients that got blown my way were highly intuitive souls, who had their respective inner child issues that created blocks along their own paths.

This is a print of Rozanne's painting of my inner child set against the automatic writing she did with the channeling. The exact painting on canvas is now sitting beside my Dad's photo on top of my piano at home.

Holding The Hand Of My Inner Child

The painting now takes pride of place on top of a piano my parents had given me when I was 3 years old.  It sits right beside a photo of my Dad.    I am very grateful I can finally move on, and genuinely feel that I have been healed and the past cords of negativity had been cut.  With the healing process over the past few months, I have become even more spiritually aware.  I became more sensitive to everything around me.  My intuition seemed sharpened to the point that I realized I was indeed reading more with my clairsentient skills.  This inner child work we did, taught me to open my heart chakra more so that I could listen with more compassion.  It taught me to open my throat chakra more so that I could fully express myself and my creativity.  It taught me to have courage to open my wounds, so that I could allow healing light to enter. 

I was now ready to hold the hand of my inner child and ride the stars with her, onward and upward. 


About The Writer:

The writer of this blog post is a marketeer by trade, and a tarot card reader by accident. She was awarded a Certified Professional Tarot Reader qualification from the Tarot Certification Board of America (TCBA) and is also a certified numerologist.  She is currently running a Tarot consultancy based in Singapore called Sun Goddess Tarot,  which provides confidential intuitive readings combining the metaphysical disciplines of Tarot, Numerology and Astrology via face to face and emails as well as readings at corporate and private events and workshops.  A member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI), she also mentors Tarot  protégés and actively coaches fellow intuitives who are in the midst of honing their psychic development whilst managing a full time job.









Monday 28 December 2015

Get Set To Declutter In 2016

Many at this time, are contemplating what to expect in the new year. Some who had been through a rough ride in the past year are hoping for a better year ahead.  Some who had experienced a productive year in 2015 are hoping that their luck would never run out.  However, I do not believe in luck and as a spiritualist, my beliefs are that you are a master of your own destiny because you can shape your own outcomes by the decisions you make and the perspectives you hold.

So what's in store for 2016? What are your aspirations for the coming new year and how are you empowering them?   Numerology is just one of the metaphysical modalities that can help guide one's decisions made throughout the year by harnessing the numerological energies of that year.  In 2015 the year was governed by the number 8 in numerology.  You can determine the year's numerological energy by adding the digits of the year.  So in 2015,  by adding each number of the year,  2+0+1+5, you will get the number 8.  

Looking Back At 2015

For many who had harnessed the energy of the number 8 well in 2015, it was a year of executive power, ambition, opportunities, and abundance, particularly when you were able to harness the right resources to create your own opportunities.  If you had experienced  a busier year with your business or at work, an expanded role within the same job, or you had left your current job for a bigger and better one, that's just some of the hallmarks of how the 8 energy is supporting you in e last year. The 8 energy might have inspired you to make astute financial plans and leverage the  right financial opportunities. The number fanned the flames of bold decision-making based on good judgement, confidence and the determination to attain your goals.  Finally, the number 8 would force you to leave all negative aspects of your past so that you could be ready to tread on a journey of self -discovery, embrace new growth and approach every challenge with a can-do attitude.  

2015 Tarot Year Card - Strength

In tandem with the numerological 8 influence, the Tarot year card for 2015 was the Strength card, which is the 8th card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot deck.  Strength in Tarot was an important reminder to us of the power of human will, determination and the tenacity of the inner spirit.  If you had  harnessed the traits of this card as you managed the year 2015,  you would have been able to better deal with challenges and attain your goals through  the more effective use of soft persuasion instead of  brute force and aggressive confrontation.

Looking Forward To 2016

So what then is the numerological energy that will impact 2016?  2016 is governed numerologically by the number 9.  With 9 being the final number in the 9-year cycle in numerology, the number represents a culmination of all your hard work put into attaining your goals, your experiences and skills cultivated throughout all these years, the lessons you had picked up along the way, the knowledge gained, and the wisdom attained.  

Whatever you had worked hard to achieve, and all the loose ends of any long-drawn project that you had been working on will need to be completed in this year.  Everything that you needed to do on your priority list, must be done.

Being a year of completion, it is the year you let go of whatever does not serve your higher purpose. If you had been in toxic relationships or unhappy jobs hanging on a thread for so long, this is the year to let go and start anew.   Don't expect it to be easy though because as you make that final push through the journey in anticipation of a numerological year 1 in 2017, you can expect to experience some stress, tension and conflict.  If you struggle to let go of what does not serve you, it could be a painful year filled with anxieties.  You might feel some exhaustion and perhaps be unfocused. That is why you are encouraged to keep an open mind and heart in 2016, and just be focused on healing, forgiveness,  re-energising and renewing yourself through contemplation and meditation.  Self care is so important, so remember to honour your energies and ensure that you take time out to care for yourself and keep a happy harmonious balance between the time and energy you invest in others and the time and energy you invest in yourself.

The numerological energy of a year 9 encourages you to "spring clean" your work space, your home, your Facebook Friend list, and even yourself. This is not the year to harbour any residual emotional resentment against those who had done you wrong in the past. Empty your heart off grudges and keep it clean from hurt, disappointments and unfulfilled expectations.  De-cluttering will help pave the way for  you to accept new experiences in the following year.

9 is also a number that inspires giving to humanity and supporting the community at large.  So in 2016, think about what you can do for your community, how can you add value to your community and how can you be of service that will benefit the greater good of people around you?

2016 Tarot Year Card - Hermit

In tandem with the numerological 9 influence in 2016, the tarot year card for the year is the Hermit, the ninth card in the Major Arcana in Tarot. The image on the Hermit card often depicts a cloaked man standing on top of a mountain holding a lamp.  The mountain represents the pinnacle of his achievement and growth.  The hermit has attained all that knowledge through his journey and is ready to light the path of everyone else by sharing his knowledge.   The Hermit encourages you to tap into your inner consciousness to reevaluate your goals, reassess your path towards it and make adjustments if you need to do so.  The card encourages you to find your inner light within you and use it to shine the path of others around you.  From your space of experience, skills and knowledge that you have attained, share your gifts with the world and support others with compassion and generosity.  If you need to spend some time in solitude, honour that need to have that space so that you can listen to your inner wisdom.

2016 urges you to think before you act. Leverage the lessons from the past year to approach the year ahead. Forgive those who have hurt or disappointed you. Don't take unnecessary risks unless you have evaluated all angles of an opportunity. Let go of anything that no longer serves you positively. Spend more time on your own to heal, recharge and renew.  Expect some stress and tension but it is not insurmountable if you manage it all with openness to differences and give it enough deliberation time. Finally, approach everything and everyone win a sense of compassion and generosity of spirit.

About The Writer:

The writer of this blog post is a marketeer by trade, and an intuitive reader by accident who deploys the combined modalities of  Tarot, Numerology and Astrology overlaid with her Clairvoyant, Claircognitive and Clairsentient skills to deliver her readings with authenticity. She was awarded a Certified Professional Tarot Reader qualification from the Tarot Certification Board of America (TCBA) and is also a certified numerologist.  She is currently running a consultancy based in Singapore called Sun Goddess Tarot.   As a member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI), Joanna governs her practice under the associations’ respective codes of ethics.  She is currently mentoring fellow intuitives on the path of developing their intuitive potential and teaches Tarot and Numerology as well. 

 Instagram: @SunGoddessTarot