Wednesday 29 January 2014

Blessed New Moon And Happy Lunar New Year

New Moon In Aquarius On 30 Jan 2014

The New Moon in Aquarius is at our doorstep.  A New Moon always presents opportunities for new beginnings, and how fantastic that this is the second New Moon in the month of January. Super!

Lunar New Year On 31 Jan 2014

As I have often mentioned, my theme for the year is balance. Balance is important particularly when you prepare to enter the Lunar New Year of the Horse with a hint of restlessness and the need to free yourself from old ways of thinking.  

New Beginnings And New Opportunities

With this New Moon in Aquarius, it is a perfect time to create new opportunities and new beginnings for yourself by balancing conventional wisdom with new perspectives.   You would need to balance your lofty ideals with a practical plan.  You are also urged to balance logic  with a wee bit more trust in your intuition.

Be Prepared For The Mercury Retrograde

Why do I keep harping about balance?  I can attest to the ginormous good it will do you to have some balance.  You really do not want to run enthusiastically into an opportunity to create a new beginning for yourself only to come face to face with the Mercury Retrograde from 6 February, completely unprepared.

Free Your Heart And Mind

Another thing that will help you create your new beginning with this New Moon,  is to not cling to the views and opinions of other people.  Go with the intellectual freedom that you seek.  Establish your own opinions and have the courage to express it.  

Blessed New Moon, Happy Lunar New Year

Here’s wishing you a blessed New Moon and if like me, you are celebrating the Lunar New Year of the Horse on 31st January,  my hopes and wishes are that a year of abundance, good health and happiness will gallop towards you!

About The Writer:

The writer of this blog post is a marketeer by trade, and a tarot card reader by accident. She was awarded a Certified Professional Tarot Reader qualification from the Tarot Certification Board of America (TCBA) and is also a certified numerologist.  She is currently running a Tarot consultancy based in Singapore called Sun Goddess Tarot,  which provides confidential intuitive readings combining the metaphysical disciplines of Tarot, Numerology and Astrology via face to face and emails as well as readings at corporate and private events and workshops.  A member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI), she is also a reader for the Free Tarot Network and mentors Tarot protégés on behalf of the American Tarot Association
