Thursday, 13 September 2012

Between My God And Me

My Thoughts On Rituals

In my past blogpost I grumbled about intolerance to different faiths, belief systems and practices.  So I thought to share some of my personal practices within my faith, that incorporates what I deemed as my gifts from the universe.  I can't find a better, "less frightening" word for it other than the word "rituals", because it is what it is, a ritual, and it is not different from what is practiced by every faith and belief system, although they differed in shape and form.  My Blue Moon ritual done recently as a form of thanksgiving and a prayer of intent to the universe was an example.

Customising My Rituals To My Faith

As a Roman Catholic, I had long not been going to church for reasons I had discussed in my last blogpost. However, I truly believe in my one God and have a very personal relationship with Him, like most Catholics.  Because I believe in the fact that He had a purpose in providing me with the gift of intuition to help people in need, I had decided that when I say my prayers, or perform a ritual, I was going to incorporate these gifts by selecting relevant and meaningful tarot cards for the ritual, burning my candles, and blessing a selected set of crystals that I will use on my clients.  These, are all tools that I use day to day anyway in my consultation sessions with my clients. So why not use them to glorify my God during my prayers?

A Glimpse Of My Rituals

So here's what I'd like to share about how I practice my rituals.  And to "nay-sayers", these are NOT in any shape or form, heathen.

Casting A Circle

I cast a circle to create a sacred space for me to have that private conversation with my God.  It's the same way I would pull a colleague quietly to a watercooler in a corner of the office to have a private conversation with her.  I cast the circle by blessing the space with a prayer as I literally trace a "mental" space around my tools and I.  I know my friends of different faiths do the same, albeit in a different manner perhaps. I cast my sacred space by saying a prayer to my guardian angel, Michael:

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend me from battle;
Be my safeguard
against the malice and snares
of the negative seen or unseen energy forces.

Protect me from the ill intentions,
jealousies and poisonous tongues
of negative people.

Enshroud me with your positive light
and empower me with confidence,
strength and wisdom to  trample
and destroy the negative forces around me.

I consecrate every step I take
towards positivity unto you,
and invoke you with my humble trust and belief
that you are my protector, my defender, and my archangel,
in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
One God who lives forever and ever, Amen

Calling On The Directions

Here again, my friends of different faiths do something similar, albeit differently by articulating different words.  So here's what I say to my guardian angels from all directions of the universe:
Guardian Angels from the East, I call upon you to guide me and watch over me today.
With the power of knowledge, intuition and wisdom, guided by Air, and carried to me by the winds,
I ask that you keep watch over me within this circle as I articulate my thanks and intent in my prayer to you
Let all whom I send blessings, assurance and clarity to, be able to accept them in perfect love and perfect trust of the universe
Guardian Angels from the South, I call upon you to guide me and watch over me today.
With the power of energy and will, guided by Fire, and carried to me by this wand,
I ask that you keep watch over me within this circle as I articulate my thanks and intent in my prayer to you
Let all whom I send blessings, assurance and clarity to, be able to accept them in perfect love and perfect trust of the universe
Guardian Angels from the West, I call upon you to guide me and watch over me today.
With the power of passion and emotion, guided by Water, and carried to me by this cup,
I ask that you keep watch over me within this circle as I articulate my thanks and intent in my prayer to you
Let all whom I send blessings, assurance and clarity to, be able to accept them in perfect love and perfect trust of the universe
Guardian Angels from the North, I call upon you to guide me and watch over me today.
With the power of abundance, wealth and strength, guided by Earth, and carried to me by this coin,
I ask that you keep watch over me within this circle as I articulate my thanks and intent in my prayer to you
Let all whom I send blessings, assurance and clarity to, be able to accept them in perfect love and perfect trust of the universe
 Blessing My Tools

I always select specific candles, crystals and relevant tarot cards which I will bless within this sacred space.  I would articulate my prayer of thanks and an intention or two, trusting that the universe will guide me along to manifest these intentions with the help of my tools.

After that, I will close my conversation with my God and my guardian angels, with a little prayer of thanks.   You see,  it's not too different from other faiths, and from what's being practised by my fellow Catholic friends isn't it?

About The Writer:
The writer of this blog post is a marketeer by trade, and a tarot card reader by accident. She was awarded a Certified Professional Tarot Reader qualification from the Tarot Certification Board of America (TCBA) and was recently certified as a numerologist in Singapore. A member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI), she is also a reader for the Free Tarot Network and is a mentor for the ATA.

She can be contacted at or

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