Monday, 30 June 2014

Tarot Tip Tuesdays - Keep It Simple With Numerology And Tarot

Whether you are new to Tarot and in the throes of building a connection with your Tarot cards or an advanced Tarot reader diligently honing your Tarot reading skills, I am putting out a Tarot tip a week to help you to consistently make Tarot a part of your everyday life.

So here goes your Tarot Tip for this Tuesday:
 I have been trying to keep things simple. Some of my peers keep their Tarot spreads really small but effective, and I have been quite inspired by them.  If you have your querant's  birthdate, a focused question and just a couple of Tarot cards, these would be enough to provide an adequate advice to guide him or her through an issue.   Here is how you can do it and I will be using an actual client's question to illustrate this.

Step 1: Obtain the basic information from your querant.  All you would need is a birthdate and a focused question. Remember to keep the question focused so that the advice provided can be a focused one.

The Client: Helen

Birthdate:  25 January 1983
Astrological Sign : Aquarius

Question: What advice can Tarot provide to help me in my effort to meet the right person for a meaningful relationship ?

Step 2: Calculate your querant's character and lifepath numbers. These will offer you a glimpse of your querant's attitudes and behavior and how he or she responds to a given situation.

Character (behavior and attitudes ) : Add the compound number of your querant's day of birth.  In this case, her day of birth is 25, so her character number is 7  (2+5 = 7).
From her character number, I deduced that Helen was a perfectionist. She over-analyzed situations and would spend a lot of time mulling over potential suitors, deciding whether or not he was a perfect match for her.  When a relationship did not go as plan, she would again over-rationalize it, and turn the situation over and over again in her head, thus causing her, over time, to build up walls around her in a bid to protect herself.  No wonder she was not getting much head way in developing meaningful relationships with potential partners.   She had also formed such high expectations of her potential partners that often she lets romantic opportunities slip past her. Now this lined up with her zodiac sign Aquarius which clearly influenced her idealism and her tendency to over-rationalize situations.

With just the character number and her zodiac sign, the advice I gave Helen was to balance her head and heart when it came to managing her perceptions about potential partners. She should try to manage her expectations of them and loosen up abit so that she could fully enjoy discovering new relationships.

 Life Path (Opportunities and lessons in life) : Add the day of birth, month of birth and year of birth.  Then add up the individual numbers of the compound number.    In this case, by adding up her day of birth 25, her month of birth 1 and her year of birth  1983, the compound number is 29. On further reduction of that compound number, her life path number is 2 (2+5+1+1+9+8+3 = 29).  Then reduce the compound number (2+9 = 11. 1+1 = 2).

Her lifepath number 2 told me that life offered her opportunities to heal, guide, support and teach others from her life experiences.  She also had opportunities to bring people together and be that peacemaker during tension-filled situations.  Given this insight, I was sure a lot of men gravitated to her because of her nurturing and supportive nature.  They could trust her as a good friend and advisor.  Sometimes, she should genuinely render such support instead of setting expectations for herself that these guys who approach her could potentially be "marriageable material". This would take the pressure off her tendency to over-think about potential partners and perhaps allow her to enjoy meaningful friendships which have the potential to grow into something deeper if time and chemistry permitted.

Step 3: Now that you have got a glimpse of your querant's attitudes and how he or she might respond to a given situation, you can just pick a card to understand the current situation, one for his or her obstacle and another one for advice.  Use the birthdate numerology to deepen the insight from the cards and guide you as you provide your querants a focused advice. 
Tarot cards picked:  Situation - The World Reversed ; Obstacle - Emperor Reversed ; Advice - 8 of Swords.
Situation - The World Reversed
The World reversed is indicative of Helen having experienced past relationships that had gone bad and she had not healed or there was no closure.  The  lack of closure is preventing her from embarking on new relationships in a meaningful manner. Remember, we had established through her numerology that she had been turning her experience with the past relationship over and over in her head that she had gradually built walls around her? The World Reversed affirms this and tells me that Helen is possibly clinging to residual resentment and hurt, yet she feels frustrated about not being able to meet the right guy. 
Obstacle - The Emperor Reversed
As a manifestation of her obstacle, this card tells me that Helen is a strong, and perhaps domineering and even possessive person.  When it comes to relationships, she might unconsciously expect that she can steer it to the perfect relationship that she had  shaped in her mind.  This had the potential of overwhelming potential partners. Relationships are about love and support whilst respecting individual growth and space.  Remember that the numerology we had calculated for her pointed to the fact that she had high expectations of her potential partners and when life blows these guys her way when she could be a source of support and advice for them, sometimes she could overwhelm them with her expectations as she attempts to suss if they are "marriageable material".
Advice - 8 of Swords 
The 8 of Swords reversed advised Helen to free herself from her preconceived notions of what the perfect relationship should be.  She should also let to of past hurts and resentment and change her perspective or approach about potential relationships.  This swords card was the perfect advice to end the spread and the reading simply because most of Helen's issues were driven by mental limitations like her pre-set perceptions, and her high expectations as deduced by her numerology.
As you can see, the Tarot spread is small and all it took was the querant's birthdate to add another dimension to the advice given. Although the process was quite straightforward and simple, the advice given to the querant is robust enough to empower her to work on it and change her course of action to achieve her goals,
You can try it some time.   If you need to understand the different vibrational energy and traits attached to each number when you calculate one's numerology, you can visit any good, reputable numerology website.

May your Tarot cards provide you with a full deck of possibilities throughout your day.

If you like this blogpost, do follow my blog at and LIKE my Facebook page at

About The Writer:

The writer of this blog post is a marketeer by trade, and an intuitive reader by accident who deploys the combined modalities of a Tarot, Numerology and Astrology overlaid with her Clairvoyant and Clairsentient skills to deliver her readings with authenticity. She was awarded a Certified Professional Tarot Reader qualification from the Tarot Certification Board of America (TCBA) and is also a certified numerologist.  She is currently running a consultancy based in Singapore called Sun Goddess Tarot,  which provides confidential intuitive readings combining the metaphysical disciplines of Tarot, Numerology and Astrology via face to face and emails as well as readings at corporate and private events and workshops.  A member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI), she is also a reader for the Free Tarot Network and mentors Tarot protégés on behalf of the American Tarot Association


Thursday, 26 June 2014

A Lesson In Letting Go During The New Moon In Cancer

Tomorrow, we celebrate the New Moon in Cancer. It marks a new beginning for me of epic proportions.

The synchronicity of the Universe was just amazing. My friend Martin sent me this photo yesterday that described this New Moon in Cancer so appropriately.  The watery element of the New Moon was like a swelling of emotions from within me.  These emotions had been bubbling just under the surface, waiting to burst through, only to do so when I confronted my past hurts yesterday.   I believed that the Universe had intended to wash me with these waters of my past so that I could come out from the pool cleansed and ready to serve my purpose.  

This New Moon in Cancer was particularly special for me because the Universe devised a wonderful plan to teach me an invaluable lesson about myself. I learnt to let go off aspects of the past that bound me to emotional insecurities, the need to always obtain validation and the fear of the unknown. I was forced to confront such useless energies last night. 

Here was what had happened. 

Caught Up With A Past Filled With Anger And Resentment

Yesterday evening, I parked my car at the building at which I had worked some 7 years ago. I was about to join my husband and my son for a drink to celebrate having crossed mid-week without having to throw a shoe at anyone at the office.   At the lift lobby, I bumped into an ex-boss who had caused me 2 years of immense depression and a lifetime of hypertension issues because I did not agree with his management style. I bristled in anger the minute I saw him and stomped out of the building in tears when memories of all that hurt and disappointment came flooding back in that instant. A tiny voice buzzed menacingly in my head then, attempting to convince me of how bad a marketeer I must have been, or how useless an employee I might have been that caused the rift between him and I.

Grateful For A Present Filled With Abundance

My husband bounded me off into the car to comfort me and promptly turned on the car radio.  When I heard Andrea Boccelli's magical voice, I suddenly remembered the new life I had created after resigning from that job.  Today, I lead a marketing communications team for a company that I truly enjoyed working at everyday. I felt privileged to have bosses and colleagues who inspired me and who accepted and appreciated my skills.  I built  a successful business doing Tarot, Numerology and Astrology readings that allowed me to guide my clients through their issues using my intuitive skills. My family gave me immense love and support. I was on the road towards regaining back my health and fitness. I felt so much abundance.  It was as if, I had finally come home to myself.   

Tapping On My Inner Queen Of Cups

I meditated on the Tarot Card that represented Cancer - the Queen of Cups.  The Queen was emotionally-charged, sometimes she needed to learn to balance heart and head.  She was a dreamer, who had to make special efforts to ensure that she could discern between illusion and reality.  Her highly intuitive nature guided her to navigate difficult situations introspectively.  When I came face to face with past negative energies of anger and resentment, I forced the Queen of Cups in me to  balance my emotions around what was in the now, and what had happened in the past; what energies I deemed as useless so that I could let them go and what lessons I could learn from them; the illusion of my ex-boss' dislike of me and the reality that he did not give a toss what had happened between us then, so many years ago.

I was led by the Universe to put my hand into the bag of seeds of past anger, resentment and sadness. I gave myself permission to be angry for awhile, then sprinkled these seeds of past negative energies onto the ground so that they could be healed by the cleansing earth energy in preparation for my growth.

Planting Seeds Of Joy This New Moon 

If I was not forced to step out of my comfort zone at that point when I could not get along with that ex-boss 7 years ago, I would not have found this life of abundance! When I started to think back about what I had learnt when I was caught in the middle of that career cross-road, I realized those lessons were well-leveraged when I guided my clients who went through similar situations.  I became a better manager, a better friend, a better mentor, a better wife, and a better mum because of what I had been through.  My experience taught me that only I could plant my own seeds of joy, success, fulfillment and abundance.  

I felt immense gratitude for that experience with my ex-boss. I could finally let it all go. And I let it go with love.  

So this New Moon in Cancer was a lesson for me in letting go of what was holding me down and not serving me anymore so that I could birth new strength and courage to create a better life, gain new knowledge and perspectives, and serve my purpose that was meant to be.  

If you like this blogpost, do follow my blog at and LIKE my Facebook page at

About The Writer:

The writer of this blog post is a marketeer by trade, and an intuitive reader by accident who deploys the combined modalities of a Tarot, Numerology and Astrology overlaid with her Clairvoyant and Clairsentient skills to deliver her readings with authenticity. She was awarded a Certified Professional Tarot Reader qualification from the Tarot Certification Board of America (TCBA) and is also a certified numerologist.  She is currently running a consultancy based in Singapore called Sun Goddess Tarot,  which provides confidential intuitive readings combining the metaphysical disciplines of Tarot, Numerology and Astrology via face to face and emails as well as readings at corporate and private events and workshops.  A member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI), she is also a reader for the Free Tarot Network and mentors Tarot protégés on behalf of the American Tarot Association


Queen Of Cups From The Rosetta Tarot Deck By M.M. Meleen

Photo Credit: Martin Hook

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Add Greater Depth To Tarot Readings With Numerology And Astrology

I built my niche over the years through my reading style of combining Numerology, Tarot and Astrology in a reading.  I thoroughly enjoyed doing so because I often use the querant's numerological make-up and the astrological influences that surrounded him or her to obtain even deeper insights from the Tarot cards I picked for him or her. Because of the depth in the readings, it has helped me provide advice-centric readings that empowered the querant to make the right decisions to move forward with his or her issues.  Here is an example of how you could do the same in your reading. 

The Client: Yvonne

Birthdate: 12 February 1980

Astrological Sign : Aquarius

Question: I feel that my colleagues do not value my inputs at work and I cannot seem to get along with them.  What can I do to garner some respect and recognition at work?

The Numerological Assessment:

The day of birth is very useful when it comes to assessing a querant's behavior or attitude.  To determine Yvonne 's, you will need to add up her day of birth, that is, 1+ 2 = 3.
Her character number that governs her behavior and attitude is a 3. This indicates that she is a vibrant person full of vitality and energy.  She needs to work in an environment that allows her to have space for creative expression. Being highly expressive, the work environment within which she works should tap on her expressive nature instead of suppressing it.  In this situation, I can see Yvonne attempting to build a collegiate relationship with the team at work and she should continuously harness her sunshine personality to do so. If she is not doing this well, then this indicates that her work environment could be one that is not proactively fostering an open communication amongst the team.   Also, the company could be a conventional one and that could also stifle Yvonne's need for creative expression. The good thing about her is that she is able to bounce back quickly from any setbacks that she may face.  So she is advised to harness the strengths of her 3 character to put any negative past behind her so that she can  focus on  positively building better relationship and communication with the team.   

Life path numbers provide a semblance of the opportunities and lessons that life will offer her.  To determine Yvonne's, you will need to add up her day of birth, to the month of birth to the year of birth (1+2+2+1+9+8+0 = 2+3 (add up the compound number 23) = 5). So Yvonne's Lifepath number is 5.  Her Lifepath 5 number, tells me that life offers her opportunities to be a catalyst of change. She is adventurous and open to walking the unbeaten track.  Given this lifepath number, it is obvious that Yvonne will not flinch when faced with these issues at work. Her question needed no rephrasing because it was quite clear that she was looking to proactively work within the limitations and constraints of the company and was happy to adapt to the situation. Freedom of thought and freedom of expression are all very important to her.  This lines up wth her Aquarius sign which I will talk about later. This also lines up with her Character number 3 and emphasizes her strong desire to create a space within the office where she could add value creatively.   As you can see, Yvonne's numbers should influence her to  approach this challenge as a new learning experience for growth.  I could see a hint of that as evidenced in the way she framed her question.  Another thing special about Yvonne is that as one with a life path 5, she will have plenty of opportunities to multi-task at work with differing projects.  While she would be good at it, she needs to also ensure that she does not scatter her energies too much as fuelled by her Character number 3.  If anything falls through the cracks with these projects because of her inability to stay focused, it might affect her colleagues' trust in her reliability.   

The Astrological Assessment:

Yvonne is born under the Zodiacal sign of Aquarius,  which is governed by the planet Uranus.  Known also as the God of the Sky, Uranus is often associated with change, non-conformity, revolutionary tendencies and idealistic expectations.  The planetary influence propels Yvonne's need for self-realization and freedom from expectations. Aquarius is governed by Air element and represented by The Star and The King of Swords in Tarot.  This explains Yvonne's idealistic expectations about her colleagues all getting along as one big happy family when she joined the company.  When she realized it was not to be so, the situation compelled her to go into a tailspin of deep analysis about what she had done wrong, and why she was not accepted by the team.  So I advised her to balance all the thinking with a practical plan to help her win her colleagues over. She was also advised not to have too high expectations of her colleagues as some may not be as open and communicative as she had hoped them to be.  Funnily, Aquarius people have problems expressing emotions. They find it embarrassing to show too much of emotions.  So Yvonne should balance that limitation from her Zodiacal influences and harness the expressive nature of her character number 3 instead.
Now that I have assessed her numerological and astrological influences in order to provide her some forward-looking advice, I then created a Tarot spread to understand her situation in better depth.

The Tarot Spread:

Current Situation  - 8 of Cups + The Tower Reversed

These cards clearly affirm Yvonne's stand that she felt under-appreciated. Even though she had done all she could within her work environment, she felt that her colleagues were not recognizing he value she brought to the table.  While she recognized that the easy way out was to walk away from it all,  she also knew that would only mean that she was giving up and not ready to effect positive change for herself.  The change needed was in learning to be open to the opinions of others and approach everything at work as a new learning curve.  She needed to adapt herself to the situation and not have idealistic expectations limit her.  While changing this perspective was difficult and adapting to the new job environment was going to be tough, she understood it was necessary. As an Aquarian, she could possibly been turning over and over in her head,  that question of "Should I leave or should I stay in the company?" or assessing the "what-if" of each option opened to her. What would be more important was for her was her resolve to change her perspective and look at a plan to better engage her colleagues.

Obstacle - Ace of Wands 

The Ace of Wands as an obstacle suggested that the state of being constantly  embroiled in disagreements at work may be stripping her off her energy levels and leaving her feeling incredibly unmotivated and uninspired. She might have felt that her creative ideas got put down or was not appreciated or perhaps she felt that she was not given opportunities to express her creativity and take action on her ideas.  These had made her increasingly frustrated and disillusioned.  Remember, she has a Character number 3 which means that if her colleagues were indeed not valuing her creative inputs and not giving her ample opportunities to express herself freely, of course she would be very frustrated!

Advice - 8 of Swords + 3 of Swords Reversed  
As a Character number 3, her sensitive nature did influence the way she responded to the situation.  These cards affirmed the impact the experience had in her but they also advise Yvonne to approach her issues with a more open-minded perspective of the situation.  This affirms that she needed to learn to be open to differing opinions of others and not view it as their non-acceptance of her creative ideas.  She had to let go of the residual negativity and disappointment she felt about her colleagues or anything that her colleagues had said to affect her in the past.  This will allow her to move forward with positivity, hone new skills of resilience and adaptability and allow her to build a better relationship with her colleagues. 

Outcome - Knight of Swords

 The Knight revealed that Yvonne would be moving forward from this episode by going all out with the job, pushing herself to reach her goals without letting anyone or anything stand in her way. I hope she would be arguing her point of view tactfully when she needs to do so.  While managing her projects and targets with clear ambition and enthusiasm, I truly hope she would be open to others' opinions at the same time as per my advice from the previous cards.  She could pose to be challenging for the quieter and less out-spoken colleagues so she needs to be quite careful or else she might view these challenges as her colleagues' non -acceptance of her creative ideas again.


As you can see, the majority of the suits within the spread are Swords cards. Swords cards are governed by Air element and are associated with intellect, perceptions, mental conflicts and communication. I can see that a lot of Yvonne's issues are dictated by her perceptions of the situation and she needs to learn to adapt and open her mind to alternative views.  The communication breakdown and disharmony can also be seen by the heavy presence of the swords cards and this makes it even more evident that while she needs to harness her gifts of creative expression, she would be required to put her point across in a more tactful manner and accept the opinions of others as well.  Her lifepath 5 makes her adaptable to such challenging work environment  and her creative traits driven by her character number 3 should help her navigate the interpersonal relationships at work.  As an Aquarian, instead of imposing such high expectations on how her colleagues should respond to her ideas, she should instead think about a logical plan to bring her colleagues into the effort of co-creating the ideas with her.

If you like this blogpost, do follow my blog at and LIKE my Facebook page at

About The Writer:

The writer of this blog post is a marketeer by trade and an intuitive reader by accident. She was awarded a Certified Professional Tarot Reader qualification from the Tarot Certification Board of America (TCBA) and is also a certified numerologist.  She is currently running a consultancy based in Singapore called Sun Goddess Tarot,  which provides confidential intuitive readings combining the metaphysical disciplines of Tarot, Numerology and Astrology overlaid with her Clairvoyant and Clairsentient skills via face to face and emails as well as readings at corporate and private events and workshops.  A member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI), she is also a reader for the Free Tarot Network and mentors Tarot protégés on behalf of the American Tarot Association.

 How Can You Add Greater Depth To Your Tarot Readings? 
Kat Black's Golden Tarot Deck Is Featured Here.
Photographed by Vivien Tan, 

Tarot Tip Tuesdays - Numbers In Tarot

Whether you are new to Tarot and in the throes of building a connection with your Tarot cards or an advanced Tarot reader diligently honing your Tarot reading skills, I am putting out a Tarot tip a week to help you to consistently make Tarot a part of your everyday life.

So here goes your Tarot Tip for this Tuesday:

Every morning, I would post the numerological summary of that particular day up in my Sun Goddess Tarot Facebook page.  Today, I did the same and the following was my numerological summary for the day. 

"24 June 2014. Today is numerologically governed by 1.  Pat yourself on the back for the hard work in navigating those obstacles yesterday.  Today, you will steel yourself with the resolve to  make a fresh start.  You will take on a new perspective on what had gone wrong yesterday.  You would want to look at turning yesterday's challenges into tomorrow's opportunities and literally seize the day with that conviction to re-chart your goals in the right direction and on your terms.  This is the day you will learn something new about yourself and about the people around you."

I began to think about all the Number 1 cards in Tarot across the Tarot suits. Numerologically 1 is about new beginnings and a fresh start.  The Aces of all the suits are no different.  

The Ace of Pentacles heralds new opportunities, a new job offer, the manifestation of a goal. The  Ace of Wands represents new inspiration, new creative idea, a new business venture.  The Ace of Cups brings on the beginning of a romance, new love, start of new emotional connectivity,  the beginning of creative expression, and sometimes an indication of birth or pregnancy.  The Ace of Swords promises a break-through in a situation, assures one of a new direction, and points to mental clarity with which you can start to move forward with your goals. 

Even in the Major Arcana, the Magician is the number 1 card and indeed harnesses the energies of 1 in numerology.  It is a card that sees one with the ability to move forward or manifest a goal because of his skills, creativity and determination.  All 4 suits appear in the Magician card almost as if to encourage you to harness the elemental power of the Aces of each suit.

Even the Fool, though technically the number 0 card in the Major Arcana is really the card that kickstarts the entire Tarot journey and it symbolizes new beginnings. 0 though in numerology is a number of infinity, an enhancer and symbolizes potential. As my favourite card, I like to think of it that without this number 0 card or the Fool, the number 1 or the Magician could never exist.

When you do Tarot readings, do pay special attention to the number of the card and draw the connection between the card and the vibrational energy of the number.  Tomorrow 25 June 2014 is governed by number 2 in Numerology (2+5+6+2+01+4 = 2+0 =2).  Think about the 2 of each of the Tarot suits and connect it with the characteristics of 2 in numerology. 2 is about balance, connectedness, vision, tactfulness, diplomacy, support.  How do they relate to the 2 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands, 2 of Cups and 2 of Swords. Indeed, relate it also to the number 2 card in the Major Arcana, the High Priestess. The High Priestess is personified by the ancient mythological story of Persophone who led a life that balanced that between darkness and light.  She represented vision, truth and insight of the external world drawn from deep within one's inner wisdom and knowledge.  Do read my blog post about the Tarot Twos.

That is why I enjoy combining Tarot with  Numerology and there are so many different ways to do so.  It's just so much more fun, isn't it?

May your Tarot cards provide you with a full deck of possibilities throughout your day.

If you like this blogpost, do follow my blog at and LIKE my Facebook page at

About The Writer:

The writer of this blog post is a marketeer by trade, and an intuitive reader by accident who deploys the combined modalities of a Tarot, Numerology and Astrology overlaid with her Clairvoyant and Clairsentient skills to deliver her readings with authenticity. She was awarded a Certified Professional Tarot Reader qualification from the Tarot Certification Board of America (TCBA) and is also a certified numerologist.  She is currently running a consultancy based in Singapore called Sun Goddess Tarot,  which provides confidential intuitive readings combining the metaphysical disciplines of Tarot, Numerology and Astrology via face to face and emails as well as readings at corporate and private events and workshops.  A member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI), she is also a reader for the Free Tarot Network and mentors Tarot protégés on behalf of the American Tarot Association


Friday, 20 June 2014

Celebrate Joy This Summer Solstice

Summer solstice blessings everyone!  Welcome to our Summer Solstice or Litha 2014 celebrations.    Please follow the links below to read the contributions of my fellow Tarot blogging friends on the topic of Litha:

Blog Before   |       Master List    |         Blog After

This blog post was written as my contribution to the Litha 2014 Tarot Blog Hop.  I was delighted that Olivia Destrades from First Earth Tarot who was our Litha Blog Hop wrangler,  picked such a fun and wonderful topic - JOY -  to kickstart our celebration of the longest day of the year.  And I would be telling you why quite shortly after I had explained what Litha was all about.

Summer Solstice / Litha

On June 21, my Pagan friends all over the world celebrate the Summer Solstice at a festival called Litha.  It is a day which marks the longest day of the year and it is about this time that farmers reap their first harvest.  At this time,  vegetables, plant and flowers are growing everywhere, fuelled by the life-giving energy of the sun.  With growth, there is abundance and so much joy.  So there is no better festival to celebrate joy than at Litha.

Discovering Mediumship

I had been on a spiritual growth path myself so this topic was significant to me. I felt the joy in the hearts of the people I had touched just because my intuitive readings had opened them to options they had not initially  thought about.  Now, this happened to myself once, and that was why I saw the significance when Olivia picked JOY as the theme for this blog hop. Last year, when I discovered  that I had the ability to converse with loved ones who had passed on,  I went into panic mode, not knowing what to do.  As I knew Olivia was developing her mediumship skills, I felt quite safe to talk to her about it without being judged as a flake.  I remembered when my late father-in-law came through to me, I contacted Olivia and asked, "What do I do? I don't know what he wants from me. Why must he present himself to me? I am not ready for this."   Olivia answered quite reassuringly, " Use your Tarot cards Jo."  Doh. Why have I not thought about that.  So I did, and it opened my eyes from then on, to a world of experiences I never knew could be possible."  Olivia gave me the fishing line to help spread joy.

The Process Begins With Letting Go

A few months ago when I attended a friend's wedding, I bumped into another friend whom I had not seen for years.  We crossed the room to give each other a hug and that was when I noticed within my third eye vision, a man in yellow-tinted glasses coming through. His image stuck in my mind's eye throughout the entire wedding celebration.  I told David about it but he whispered, "Please do not discuss this at a wedding. It is not appropriate."   So I had decided to keep quiet about that image.  I also felt a lot of depression, I felt lost and lonely.  I knew, as a psychic empath that I was picking up on my friend's emotions.  At the end of the dinner, she confessed that she very nearly did not want to attend the wedding celebrations because her husband had passed on a year ago and she had not taken his death well at all, preferring to stay home instead.  However, she was persuaded to put on her best dress and turn up for the event out of respect for the wedding couple whom she was close to. When she found out that I ran a Tarot and Numerology reading consultancy, she invited me over to her home for tea so that I could read for her.

When I went to her home a week later, I put my cards away and told her that I was not going to do a straight forward reading, and explained that I had been developing my mediumship skills and felt that there was a purpose for us to bump into each other the week before.  I then continued, "I have never met your husband but I wanted to verify if he wore yellow-tinted glasses." She nodded.  Encouraged by that I tried to string a story or message from some images I got in my mind's eye and I also followed the direction of the emotions I was getting then.  I said, "I think your husband is trying to come through and he wants me to give you a message.  He said that you will need to move on, focus on your business and take care of the kids. You had been leaving your business to pretty much run on its own but you need to look after it. Your kids need you and they are grieving as much as you are but they will grief even more seeing you in this state. You are still holding on to things that should not be held on to."   She nodded at everything I said and through her tears, brought me up to the stairs to her bedroom. I was shocked to see her husband's clothes still hung in the wardrobe, his personal belongings including 2 golf bags still in that room beside her bed, and his photos was hung everywhere. It was as if he had not left, and she was waiting for him to come home.  So I told my friend that she needed to remove them as soon as she could because when she clung onto him and his memories so tightly that it had affected  her present life and possibly her future, her husband will not be able to rest in peace and cross over.

I Celebrated Joy With My Friend

One month after that visit, my friend called me to say that meeting me at the wedding reception was a godsend because after my visit, she had decided to turn her life around and bravely acknowledge that while she let go of that pain and allowed the grief to ride it's course, she was now ready to move on. Her husband was gone but his memory would always be in her heart.  As I write this, she had just bought another office unit next to her current one, with the intention to expand her business.  She had also involved her son and daughters in it and was committed to seeing the family grow that business together.  JOY.

I have been widening my experiences with my intuitive skills in the last few months.  As I gradually embraced my claircognitive skills, I had been blending them with my Tarot, Numerology and Astrology readings that I currently do for my clients.  My greatest gratification is the joy that these clients have experienced when I opened their hearts and minds to options and the advice that they had needed , and the promise that they would never be alone in their journey.

If  this Tarot community, or Olivia or my intuitive coaches were not there  to hold my hand for a bit, I would not have that safe space to develop my skills.  I believed that you could never seek joy on your own.  You will always need the help and support of people whom you can trust to hold your hand through that journey as you seek joy.    So I leave you with my Celebrate Joy Tarot spread and this request, in the inspiring words of my friend Arwen from Tarot By Arwen "Seek joy, y'all!"

 Celebrate Joy Tarot Spread

1) What in your current circumstance is blocking your ability to celebrate joy in your life?

2) What additional help, tools or resource do you need to bring back joy in your life?

3) How can the joy you have attained remain sustainable?

Please follow the links below to read the other contributions to the Litha 2014 Tarot Blog Hop:

Blog Before         |        Master List               |                  Blog After

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About The Writer:

The writer of this blog post is a marketeer by trade and an intuitive reader by accident. She was awarded a Certified Professional Tarot Reader qualification from the Tarot Certification Board of America (TCBA) and is also a certified numerologist.  She is currently running a consultancy based in Singapore called Sun Goddess Tarot,  which provides confidential intuitive readings combining the metaphysical disciplines of Tarot, Numerology and Astrology overlaid with her Clairvoyant and Clairsentient skills via face to face and emails as well as readings at corporate and private events and workshops.  A member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI), she is also a reader for the Free Tarot Network and mentors Tarot protégés on behalf of the American Tarot Association.


Photo credit: Photo taken in Lombok, Indonesia by David Ash,

Monday, 16 June 2014

Reclaiming Back My Power

Living Up To My Personal Year 6

This year, I have been living up to the vibrational energy of my Personal Year 6 in Numerology.  Having maneuvered  through several challenges at work and at home last year which had frequently made me combust into a raging ball of emotional outbursts and exhausting me to the core,  this was the year I focused a lot on re-energizing myself and spending more quality time with the family.   When I finally came to terms with the challenges I faced and mustered the strength to look for opportunities from them,  I began to understand  my gaps well enough to be able to plug them with a proactive plan that involved taking care of myself better, so that I could take even better care of my family, my work, my colleagues and my clients.  My ego was my greatest culprit that saw me cultivating an over-achieving streak whether I was at work, at home or running my business.  When I learnt to let go of that ego, and loved myself more for being me, flaws and all, I took the decision to take good care of myself by spending more time in quiet meditation, nurturing my spiritual path with authenticity, love and compassion, getting in touch with nature more to breathe in the green healing energy from the earth, and paying more attention to my health and fitness.

Taking Care Of My Spiritual Development

The first thing I did was to engage a couple of intuitive coaches, Danielle Dove and Karina Ladet who were critical to my spiritual development.  I learnt to let go of useless past energies in the process so that I could be more productive in helping my clients, learnt to meditate with more focusedness, was introduced to a spiritual realm of guides who became my "lightworker's support team" and developed my psychic abilities further to help support the existing metaphysical modalities of tarot, numerology and astrology that I had been working with.  As my intuitive coaches had opened my heart and mind to a world that taught me to surrender and trust my higher self and tap on my clairvoyant and clairsentient skills, as if by coincidence, the Universe blew a bunch of clients my way who were also in the throes of developing their intuitive capabilities.  I felt privilege to be walking that journey with them, teaching them to tap on their own intuitive skills so that some day they too could bring light to people who need it most.  

I have not finished learning from my intuitive coaches.  Every time they write a blog post, record a new meditation or share an inspirational story about their experiences, I learnt something new.  Having had their guiding hand in mind, I was now in a much happier place to start getting my body and mind fit and healthy enough to take on the challenges in the next stage of my spiritual development,

Taking Care Of My Health And Fitness

Naturally, the next thing I did was to take care of my health and fitness.  I believed that it is only with the alignment of a healthy body, mind and spirit, that we can genuinely serve our soul purpose with 100% commitment.  I engaged 2 personal trainers who are now currently working with me to support my fitness goals,  1 of them works on my strength conditioning and the rehabilitation of my knee post-surgery, and the other is my kickboxing coach.  Together, they had been responsible for pushing my boundaries in terms of cardiovascular fitness, building my strength back in my legs and allowing me to reclaim back my power through an increasing sense of confidence.

Reconciling My Spiritual Path With My Love For Muay Thai

A friend asked me how I reconciled my spiritual path as an intuitive reader with an aggressive sport like kickboxing.  I told her that the sport taught me that I could make the impossible possible when everyone told me that I could never do sports again after my knee surgery.  I imparted this spirit to my clients who called on me as they dealt with near-impossible life-changing issues. I resolved to show them that nothing is impossible. 

I was completely fascinated with the art of Muay Thai when I was introduced to the basics of kickboxing.  Just like the way I had spent years demystifying the metaphysical modalities of Tarot and Numerology, I set out to demystify the perceived violence in Muay Thai.  The martial art is a spiritual experience that taught respect of self and others.  Just spending time folding back my handwraps was a practice of discipline and respect for the skills I was taught.  Steeped in ritual and ceremony, the pre-fight ritual, called Ram-Muay, was itself an elaborate gesture of gratitude and respect for the skills learnt by the boxer.  Wai-Kru, the 3 bows was a demonstration of respect accorded to the boxer's coach and an invocation for divine protection. The music called Pi-Muay which accompanied the bouts, was meant to help focus the boxer's mind into a meditative state.

More than ever, Muay Thai taught me patience, humility, determination and discipline. These were qualities anyone on a continuous walk along that spiritual path will need.  I certainly did.  When I started reconciling my spiritual path with my love for Muay Thai, I realized it made me a better intuitive reader because of the ego that the sport had stripped from me, the patience and humility that I had learnt and the lessons of endurance and determination that were necessary for both myself and my clients to manage the hard knocks of life.  

Reclaiming My Power

By taking care of my spiritual development as well as my health and fitness, I was able to reclaim back my power lost to my attachment to my ego that had crippled me for years.  Today, I have been supporting my clients in their respective journeys to reclaim back their power as well.

About The Writer:

The writer of this blog post is a marketeer by trade and an intuitive reader by accident. She was awarded a Certified Professional Tarot Reader qualification from the Tarot Certification Board of America (TCBA) and is also a certified numerologist.  She is currently running a consultancy based in Singapore called Sun Goddess Tarot,  which provides confidential intuitive readings combining the metaphysical disciplines of Tarot, Numerology and Astrology overlaid with her Clairvoyant and Clairsentient skills via face to face and emails as well as readings at corporate and private events and workshops.  A member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI), she is also a reader for the Free Tarot Network and mentors Tarot protégés on behalf of the American Tarot Association.


My Muay Thai Coach And I In Phuket, Thailand

My Kickboxing Coach And I In Singapore

Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Think Again If You Hope To Gallop Away Into Unchartered Territories During This Full Moon In Sagittarius

This is it folks! Tomorrow, we welcome the full moon in all its fiery glory that wants you to get off your ass and step into a world of new expansive experiences and adventures.  All those months that you had been afraid to try something new, the full moon in Sagittarius is beckoning you to do it.  You  might want to get a complete makeover, take up diving, travel to places you have never been before, learn a new sport like kickboxing (I did! ), drink a bowl of Mum's Chinese herbal soup ( Yuck! My poor husband did!) and generally just take some risks and get out of your comfort zone.  Yes spontaneity rules at this full moon.

This full moon sees your streak of rebelliousness creeping out on you.  You can no longer tolerate mundanity and might impulsively ride on a  galloping horse towards unchartered territories just for the hell of it.

Do remember though, that this full moon is governed by the duality of the half man half horse sign of Sagittarius and requires you to reassess this thirst for adventure and your devil-may-care attitude with a more balanced attitude.  This is particularly necessary at a time when Neptune is in retrograde for the next few months.  Be ultra careful and rethink the difference between the need to take on the world with bold confidence versus your deluded sense of adventure which could be a guise for escapism.

During this full moon, you might work up the courage and passion to speak your mind and say it like it holds barred. Whatever you had been repressing within you in the past, it is going to be hurled like a projectile vomit on the most deserving idiot who had unwittingly stepped across your path and conveniently blocked your access to your goals and dreams.   

Again, you need to be ultra careful here because you are in the period when Mercury, the planet governing communication, is in retrograde.  So you really don't want to tell that a**hole of a colleague to go f#%^ off and end up with a venti-size cup of Starbucks' caramel frappucino aimed directly at your face.

Otherwise, do enjoy the glorious full moon and screw what they say about the adverse implications of this full moon in Sagittarius falling on the inauspicious date of Friday the 13th.  Frankly, I think this Friday the 13th is going to be a great day...big beautiful full moon and all.  Numerologically it is governed by number 8.  It is a day where that big project you have been working on can take off successfully as long as you have big ideas backed by practical plans, plus a large dose of courage to get it off the ground.  You are advised to grow your skills and experience by learning from those more skillful and more experienced than you are.  Harness the right support critical to your gameplan.

About The Writer:

The writer of this blog post is a marketeer by trade and an intuitive reader by accident. She was awarded a Certified Professional Tarot Reader qualification from the Tarot Certification Board of America (TCBA) and is also a certified numerologist.  She is currently running a consultancy based in Singapore called Sun Goddess Tarot,  which provides confidential intuitive readings combining the metaphysical disciplines of Tarot, Numerology and Astrology overlaid with her Clairvoyant and Clairsentient skills via face to face and emails as well as readings at corporate and private events and workshops.  A member of the American Tarot Association (ATA) and the Tarot Association of the British Isles (TABI), she is also a reader for the Free Tarot Network and mentors Tarot protégés on behalf of the American Tarot Association.


Artwork by Daniel Eskridge.  Prints can be purchased here.